FD35T vacuum solenoid stop switch ID problem

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Sam Clark
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FD35T vacuum solenoid stop switch ID problem


Post by Sam Clark »

Folks can you please help source a replacement vacuum solenoid stop switch for me. My FD35T fitted in my Landrover 110 won't stop on the key because the solenoid stop switch has broken and try and i might i have been unable to source a replacement. Does anyone have an FD35 or otherwise can help me with a part number. I think the condition I need is normally closed energised on.
Sincere thanks Sam
FD35T in my 1990 Landrover 110
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Post by Nissan_Ranger »

Switches are described and shown in diagrams in their UN-energized state. A switch described as 'normally closed' ('nc' terminal on the switch) is in conductive state when NOT energized. So your description cannot be correct. I would presume that you want the switch to be normally open (i.e., when NOT energized) and closed (Conductive) when energized.

Any switch that needs to operate long term energized must have a solenoid capable of 100 percent duty cycle...

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Sam Clark
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Post by Sam Clark »

OK thanks, I do find the whole thing a bit confusing whilst being keen to learn more about my engine. I sought of assumed that any Nissan TD would shut off the same way and that i would be able to find a serviceable part easily - to date not so!
FD35T in my 1990 Landrover 110
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