Looking for a ld28

Buy it, sell it, negotiate, haggle, drag it out from under the workbench or behind the garage and make it someone else's problem!

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Looking for a ld28


Post by maximus35 »

Looking to buy a ld28 somewhere in the southeast preferably, I'm trying to swap it into a z car. Also looking for a turbo set up if someone has one, thanks
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Re: Looking for a ld28


Post by maximus35 »

Anyone got one in the us somewhere lol
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Re: Looking for a ld28


Post by Nissan_Ranger »

It's unfortunate that time waits for no one; the supply and people using these old engines is shrinking daily. :-(
The old 'six gun' was as popular as the cell phone in its time and just as annoying when it went off in the Theater.
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