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Downloading a FSM, rather than buying it

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:16 pm
by asavage
[In response to an email query about the 1982 720 FSM and other materials, parts of which I have online for reference]

> was wondering if there any possible way to get a download of the whole
> file of the manual . . .


You will want to have this excellent, factory service manual on hand if you are keeping your own truck running. However . . .

The manuals display section is not supposed to be a way to circumvent copyright law. The FSM is still available new, AFAIK, and certainly is plentiful at eBay if you watch for a while.

The manual display code is stuff I wrote about eight years ago. It's not a PDF, but each manual does take a very long time to scan (done well). The idea (at the time) was to allow anyone to annotate the manual, and you'll notice that you can add comments to the bottom of any page in that manual, and others can see it.

Sorry I can't furnish the manual -- but you can buy one easily. And I don't want to have Nissan come after me for copyright infringement. Nor do I have the right.